728x90 반응형 지문해설27 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 2학기 중간고사 에세이 1-1 에세이 1-1 What are the Most Dangerous Threats to Air quality? The main threats to the local air quality across the United States (as well as most everywhere else) remain smog and particulate pollution, which combined or acting alone trigger millions of hospital visits and health complications for citizens every year. The American Lung Association (ALA) reports that almost half of all Americans liv.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 9. 2. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 기말고사 에세이 1-2 에세이 1-2 One Disastrous Vacation Things didn’t improve much after our arrival in Portland. First, since it had snowed almost 24 inches in a day, we had to find a four-wheel drive rental car to take us to our cabin in the mountains. I think we got the last one in Portland! Two hours into the one-hour drive to the cabin, my dad was still muttering about the inflated rental rates when our overpriced.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 5. 10. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 기말고사 에세이 1-1 에세이 1-1 One disastrous Vacation What could possibly go wrong with the perfectly planned holiday? Our families had spent months preparing for our Christmas family reunion, to be held at a lovely mountain cabin in Oregon. The location? Dazzling. The occasion? Perfect. The people? Wonderful. The results? Disastrous. The holiday started rough and quickly grew worse. On the morning of our flight to O.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 5. 5. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 등 14 등 14. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? In Dutch bicycle culture, it is common to have a passenger on the backseat. So as to follow the rider’s movements, the person on the backseat needs to hold on tightly. Bicycles turn not just by steering but also by leaning, so the passenger needs to lean the same way as the rider. A passenger who would keep sitting up straight would literally be a pain in the behind. .. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 26. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 등 13 등13. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? Although it is obvious that part of our assessment of food is its visual appearance, it is perhaps surprising ① how visual input can override taste and smell. People find it very ② difficult to correctly identify fruitflavoured drinks if the colour is wrong, for instance an orange drink that is coloured green. Perhaps even more striking ③ is the experience of wi.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 20. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 등 12 등12. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? The loss of many traditional jobs in everything from art to healthcare will partly be offset by the creation of new human jobs. Primary care doctors who focus on diagnosing known diseases and giving familiar treatments will probably be replaced by AI doctors. But precisely because of that, there will be much more money to pay human doctors and lab assistants to do grou.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 19. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 등 11 등11. 밑줄 친 have that same scenario가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? There are more than 700 million cell phones used in the US today and at least 140 million of those cell phone users will abandon their current phone for a new phone every 14-18 months. I’m not one of those people who just “must” have the latest phone. Actually, I use my cell phone until the battery no longer holds a good charge. At tha.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 18. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 에세이 4-2 Essay 4-2 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Do I see Myself As Others Do? Other students I interviewed talked about the importance of wearing certain brands of clothing. These clothes display a brand name somewhere, whether it's plastered in three-inch type across the front or appears on a tiny logo on the sleeve. A middle-school student said, "Sometimes I just want to wear a pair of sweatpants and a .. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 17. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 에세이 4-1 Essay 4-1 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Do I see Myself As Others Do? Two weeks ago I was watching a local news story about the lottery. The film footage showed ⓐa young woman standing behind the store counter selling lottery tickets. She had short blond hair, big sparkling eyes, and a huge smile. I recognized her as the woman who worked in the corner drugstore down the street. The next day I walk.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 15. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 에세이 3-2 Essay 3-2 The origin of Quarantine Within a century, cities extended the isolation period from 30 to 40 days, and the term changed from trentino to quarantino—the root of the English word quarantine that we use today. No one knows for certain why the isolation period was extended to 40 days, but scholars have a few hunches. There’s a lot of cultural meaning packed into the number 40—plenty of Bi.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 15. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 에세이 3-1 Essay 3-1 The origin of Quarantine Quarantine has been on all of our minds lately. But the word goes all the way back to the time of the Black Death. In 1793, yellow fever hit Philadelphia, and sailors were quarantined in a hospital outside the city. When typhus landed in New York City in 1892, at least 70 people were quarantined on a nearby island. When an outbreak of SARS moved through Canada .. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 14. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 에세이 2-2 Essay 2-2 Mongoose on the Loose In Puerto Rico there are from 800,000 to one million of them. That is about one mongoose for every four humans. In St. Croix, there are 100,000 mongooses, about twice as many as the human population. “It’s impossible to eliminate the mongooses population, short of nuclear war.” says Horst. “You can’t poison them, because cats, dogs, and chickens get poisoned, too... 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 8. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 에세이 2-1 Essay 2-1 Mongoose on the Loose In 1872, a jamaican sugar planter imported nine furry little mongooses from India to eat the rats that were devouring his crops. They did such a good job, the planter started breeding his exotic animals and selling them to eager farmers on neighboring islands. With no natural predators-like wolves, coyotes, or poisonous-snakes- the mongoose population exploded, an.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 7. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 에세이 1-3 Essay 1-3 The Case Against Disposable Chopsticks Some people worry that doing away with the disposable chopstick industry will destroy a vital source of employment in China. According to their statistics, over 300 plants specializing in the production of these disposable wooden sticks employ over 100,000 people. And yet, the question must be asked: what will these people do in ten years, when th.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 5. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 에세이 1-2 Essay 1-2 The Case Against Disposable Chopsticks At the same time, while some consumers might grumble about the inconvenience stemming from doing away with disposable chopsticks, there are countless alternatives. For example, environmental activists in China are encouraging people to bring their own chopsticks to restaurants. If diners complain about their inability to keep these reusable utensi.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 5. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 에세이 1-1 Essay 1-1 The Case Against Disposable Chopsticks The doorbell rings. it's delivery! you tear into the white paper sack and unpack boxes of delicious noodles, steaming rice, and saucy vegetables. Glancing back into the back into the bag, you see them: four packets of disposable wooden chopsticks. Don't need those, you think, and toss them into the trash with the empty bag, adding to the mountains.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 4. 3. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 모의고사 10 10. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Have you noticed that some coaches get the most out of their athletes while others don’t? A poor coach will tell you what you did wrong and then tell you not to do it again: “Don’t drop the ball!” What happens next? The images you see in your head are images of you dropping the ball! Naturally, your mind recreates what it just “saw” b.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 3. 27. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 모의고사 9 9. 다음 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? When we compare human and animal desire we find many extraordinary differences. Animals tend to eat with their stomachs, and humans with their brains. (A) It is due, also, to the knowledge that, in an insecure world, pleasure is uncertain. Therefore, the immediate pleasure of eating must be exploited to the full, even though it does violence to the digestion.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 3. 26. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 모의고사 8 8. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? One of the main reasons that students may think they know the material, even when they don’t, is that they mistake familiarity for understanding. Here is how it works: You read the chapter once, perhaps highlighting as you go. Then later, you read the chapter again, perhaps focusing on the highlighted material. As you read it over, the material is familiar because you.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 3. 26. 더보기 ›› 안곡고 영어내신 1학년 1학기 중간고사 외부지문 모의고사 7 7. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? Positively or negatively, our parents and families are powerful influences on us. But even ①stronger, especially when we’re young, are our friends. We often choose friends as a way of ②expanding our sense of identity beyond our families. As a result, the pressure to conform to the standards and expectations of friends and other social groups ③is likely to be intens.. 중고등 영어/중고등 영어내신 2022. 3. 24. 더보기 ›› 728x90 반응형 이전 1 2 다음